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Today, we are honored to present an interview with Zubin Mowlavi, President of VaynerCommerce, Contributor to Entrepreneur and Forbes, and an entrepreneur of 20+ years. Someone who has been in the entrepreneurial field this long has a lot to offer, and certainly someone we can learn from. Dive in and make sure to take notes! Connect to our One Shot Movement Community here on Facebook, and network with some of the most inspired and hard working entrepreneurs. Host, Craig Schulze, published his inspirational book - You’ve Got One Shot, The Story of a Stolen Heartbeat & What it Taught Me About Living a Meaningful Life. Find out more about the book here today: https://craigschulze.com/one-shot-movement/ Read more about Craig on Craigschulze.com Follow him on https://instagram.com/craigschulze and https://instagram.com/theoneshotmovement For inspiring videos, head on to Youtube: https://youtube.com/craigschulze Get your Freedom Score right now. Take this test and find out how close you are in attaining the lifestyle and freedom you’ve always wanted, and get a chance to connect with Craig Schulze himself. Take the Freedom Scorecard here: https://thenewyou.scoreapp.com/ Find Zubin Mowlavi on Twitter: https://twitter.com/zubinmowlavi

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